Think Broadly, Act Decisively.

Since 2006, Kraven Trading has helped fulfill the investment needs of institutional and mutual fund clients worldwide. The firm’s performance-driven investors integrate deep proprietary research and integrated risk analysis to make informed, judicious decisions. Using foresight and flexibility, Kraven looks far and wide for value – across traditional market classes in cryptocurrency trading and alternative investments – to pursue attractive, sustainable returns for clients.

Whether you’re a financial advisor addressing client needs; or you're running an endowment; or an individual investor planning your financial future, we’re at your side with; Global diversity of perspectives and solutions through our expert professionals, creating strategies to meet more client challenges and dedication to finding opportunities through all market conditions.

We will continue to focus on the evolving needs of our clients, encouraging innovation across investment strategies, vehicles and distribution to drive growth and long-term shareholder value.

Bringing Out Our Best

We know that expertise shines in many different roles and responsibilities.

Investing with Conviction

We look beyond short-term uncertainty to rigorously pursue long-term value.

Integrity And Passion

We believe in — and take pride in — everything we do. We never forget that success is hand in hand with integrity and accountability.

Worldwide Reach

Helping to enhance the quality of life for all constituents – clients, shareholders, communities and one another.

Industry Expertise

Diverse expertise. Disciplined teamwork. Our independent global affiliates are industry leaders with time-tested experience.

Culture of Debate

We challenge one another and conventional thinking to make better investment decisions.

Global Perspective

We combine expertise in value investing with a global perspective to provide differentiated solutions and investment insights.